Arrow Minerals Ltd (ASX:AMD) Niagara High …

The ability to excavate consolidated material (i.e. no drill and blast) and mine a minimum mining thickness of approximately 300mm using high precision GPS machine guidance makes the surface miner well suited to …

Guinea Bauxite: Chalco under pressure to restart production …

Chinese state-owned aluminium giant Chalco, which is mining two big bauxite deposits north of Boffa in western Guinea, has been engaged since 8 November in crucial …


Guinea, known as the "Geological Miracle," is endowed with vast mineral resources, particularly bauxite, a vital source for aluminum production. Guinea produced 82 million metric tonnes of bauxite in 2023, ranking as the …

Guinea's SMB to invest up to $1 billion to boost …

Guinea's leading bauxite producer and exporter Societe Miniere de Boke (CMB) will invest up to $1 billion over the next five years to upgrade its river terminals and buy vessels, its CEO...

Bauxite in the Republic of Guinea

According to GlobalData, the Republic of Guinea is the world's largest producer of bauxite in 2023, with output up by 11% on 2022. Over the five years to 2022, production from …

SMB – Société minière de Boké

Société Minière de Boké (SMB) has become the leading producer and exporter of bauxite in Guinea and worldwide. It is a pioneer in constructing road and rail infrastructure, logistical facilities that accompany the bauxite value chain. It …

Guinea's Booming Bauxite Sector

By processing bauxite domestically into higher-value alumina, Guinea stands to gain more from its natural resources and stimulate local economic development. Guinea's …

Guinea Alumina Corporation | GAC

Guinea Alumina Corporation is the bauxite mining subsidiary of Emirates Global Aluminium, the world's largest 'premium aluminium' producer. We mine and move bauxite, the ore from which aluminium is derived.

Rising bauxite demand raises dependence risk on …

Guinea is set to contribute 28.4% of total global bauxite supply in 2024, with 119.5mt. The main bauxite mines in Guinea, including the SMB-Winning Boke, Sangaredi, Boffa, GAC and Garafiri projects, collectively …