This State of the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sector report for 2019 showcases data contributions made to Delve and demonstrates the potential for a deeper sector analysis when stakeholders share data.
This statistic represents the size of the global mining equipment market from 2019 through 2027. In 2027, it is expected that the market for mining equipment will be sized at over 165.8...
Three types of mining arrangements have emerged: formalized, mine-owner driven enterprises that resemble modern firms and are growth oriented, quasi-formal joint-production arrangements involving degrees of formality and informality, and illegal ventures.
Small scale and artisanal miners are facing a mirage of challenges as they try to push the Mining industry to another level, this issue also features articles that focus on highlighting challenges …
Three types of mining arrangements have emerged: formalized, mine-owner driven enterprises that resemble modern firms and are growth oriented, quasi-formal joint-production arrangements involving degrees of …
The ASGM sector can be categorized into two types: the 'travel-type', in which miners commute from their local residences to mining sites, and the 'camp-type', in which miners live and conduct their mining activities at mining camps.
In April 2019, the Delve team took a crucial first step, publishing a first of its kind report on artisanal and small-scale mining. The new report explores the impact of the 'global data gap' on ASM and outlines how the gap can be …
The ASGM sector can be categorized into two types: the 'travel-type', in which miners commute from their local residences to mining sites, and the 'camp-type', in which miners live and …
specific demonstrable skills to prevent exposure of miners and their families to mercury. A primary goal of prevention efforts with mining families is to educate them about …
The 2019 State of the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sector report showcases data contributions made to Delve and demonstrates the potential for a deeper sector analysis when stakeholders share data.2 As the inaugural report of a planned annual series, the 2019 edition explores the origins and impact of what
The 2019 State of the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sector report showcases data contributions made to Delve and demonstrates the potential for a deeper sector analysis when stakeholders share data.
This State of the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sector report for 2019 showcases data contributions made to Delve and demonstrates the potential for a deeper sector analysis when …
The 2019 State of the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sector report showcases data contributions made to Delve and demonstrates the potential for a deeper sector analysis when stakeholders share data.2 As the inaugural report of a planned annual series, the 2019 edition …
specific demonstrable skills to prevent exposure of miners and their families to mercury. A primary goal of prevention efforts with mining families is to educate them about exposure risks, to provide access to affordable safety and mining equipment, and to practice behaviors that reduce or eliminate the risk of mercury poisoning.
The 2019 State of the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sector report showcases data contributions made to Delve and demonstrates the potential for a deeper sector analysis when stakeholders share data.
According to the latest figures found on Delve, artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) employs at least 40 million people worldwide. Yet, unlike more familiar rural .
Small scale and artisanal miners are facing a mirage of challenges as they try to push the Mining industry to another level, this issue also features articles that focus on highlighting challenges faced by small scale miners.
This statistic represents the size of the global mining equipment market from 2019 through 2027. In 2027, it is expected that the market for mining equipment will be sized at over 165.8...
In April 2019, the Delve team took a crucial first step, publishing a first of its kind report on artisanal and small-scale mining. The new report explores the impact of the 'global data gap' on ASM and outlines how the gap can be narrowed to formalize this global sector.