The ARKU deslagging machine uses a mechanical scraper to remove the slag from the surface of the molten metal. The scraper is mounted on a robotic arm that is programmed to move over the surface of the metal and remove the …
This medium sized plasma dross removal machine uses the Hammerhead aggregate to remove the slag from flame or plasma cut parts. It is available in a working width of 900 mm, 1050 mm or 1280 mm. The machine can also …
The SBM-M D2 grinding and deburring machine was developed for the mechanical removal of slag on both sides of plate material parts. It is ideal for machining plasma and flame-cut parts …
Whether you're looking for the light-duty performance of the 12 Series SG or the workhorse efficiency of the Hammerhead, Timesavers has the perfect slag removal machine to meet the requirements of your operation.
Whether you're looking for the light-duty performance of the 12 Series SG or the workhorse efficiency of the Hammerhead, Timesavers has the perfect slag removal machine to meet the …
How to remove dross or heavy slag? Slag can manually be removed with a hammer or a knife, but it takes a lot of time and effort of the worker and the repetitive work can lead to injuries. A machine solution is the Hammerhead, …
Metal slag removal, deburring and edge rounding of sheet metal parts in 1 machine feed! Meet the SLK series from VG. The SLK is specially designed to remove heavy slag on plasma and …