Poland: Lafarge Poland has laid the foundation stone for the Euro100m new kiln line at its Małogoszcz cement plant. The replacement of the three existing kilns and installation of an alternative fuel (AF) line aims to …
The Polish cement industry has achieved a remarkable transformation over the last decade, as multimillion euro investments have boosted production and dramatically improved its environmental performance. …
Poland: Lafarge Poland has laid the foundation stone for the Euro100m new kiln line at its Małogoszcz cement plant. The replacement of the three existing kilns and installation of an …
The first zero-emission cement plant in Europe is to be built in 2027 in Poland, in the Kujawy region. Holcim is in the process of implementing the GO4ECOPLANET project, under which 100 percent of the carbon dioxide produced by Cementownia Kujawy will be captured.
The first zero-emission cement plant in Europe is to be built in 2027 in Poland, in the Kujawy region. Holcim is in the process of implementing the GO4ECOPLANET project, under which …
Following the in-depth modernisation of cement plants, clinker is manufactured nearly exclusively using the energy-saving dry method. Since 2003, only 2% clinker intended for the production of cements with special properties has been manu-factured applying the wet method.
Cement plant location information, including capacity data for facilities in Poland
Heidelberg Materials Poland operates a cement plant located at Górazdze near Opole in southwest Poland, as well as a grinding plant near Katowice. The company produces a broad range of cements, both bulk and bagged, from …
Thanks to the use of a new, more environmentally friendly technology, Malogoszcz will produce one of the most ecological cements on the Polish and European market. The investment is supported by the Krakow …
The first zero-emission cement plant in Europe is to be built in 2027 in Poland, in the Kujawy region. Holcim is in the process of implementing the GO4ECOPLANET project, under which 100 percent of the carbon dioxide produced by Cementownia Kujawy will be captured.
Lafarge in Poland, a member of the Lafarlcim Group, has invested PLN160 million in upgrades to its Kujawy and Malogoszcz cement plants.
Thanks to the use of a new, more environmentally friendly technology, Malogoszcz will produce one of the most ecological cements on the Polish and European market. The investment is supported by the Krakow Technology Park.
Heidelberg Materials Poland operates a cement plant located at Górazdze near Opole in southwest Poland, as well as a grinding plant near Katowice. The company produces a broad range of cements, both bulk and bagged, from Portland cement to various kinds of cement with slag and fly ash additives.
Poland: Lafarge Poland has laid the foundation stone for the Euro100m new kiln line at its Małogoszcz cement plant. The replacement of the three existing kilns and installation of an alternative fuel (AF) line aims to reduce the plant's CO 2 emissions by 20% and its energy consumption by 33%.
Following the in-depth modernisation of cement plants, clinker is manufactured nearly exclusively using the energy-saving dry method. Since 2003, only 2% clinker intended for the production …
The first zero-emission cement plant in Europe is to be built in 2027 in Poland, in the Kujawy region. Holcim is in the process of implementing the GO4ECOPLANET project, under which …
The Polish cement industry has achieved a remarkable transformation over the last decade, as multimillion euro investments have boosted production and dramatically improved its environmental performance. The sector now consists of 14 modern cement plants.