The effort to manufacture mining inputs locally has significantly expanded Ghana's manufacturing capacity, not just through the demand the mining industry creates, but through deliberate support initiatives to improve …
A 'Class B' support service provider must be Ghanaian and provides services specifically and exclusively to a mineral right holder, including contract mining services for …
(1) A Class A support service provider means a person who provides (a) contract mining services which include topsoil and waste removal, drilling and blasting, excavating and haulage of ore …
Under section 59 of the Minerals and Mining Act, 2006 (Act 703) support service providers who provide prescribed services to mineral right holders and are registered with the Commission [1] may be granted concessions.
We are your trusted mining support service provider in Ghana. Have wide experience in the mining industry. Welcome to the heart of mining excellence, where precision meets passion …
Ghana has one of the most favourable fiscal regimes for mining in the world. The tax laws and fiscal instruments for mining are industry-friendly and provide competitive incentives to the investor. concessionary rates and exemption on …
Further, under Legislative Instrument 2174 (2012), only Ghanaian companies can provide Class B mining support services which include catering, camp management, and …
Feeder Mining Services specializes in the import and sales of Forged Steel Grinding Balls and similar consumables. These are required for the production of gold from abroad for the local …
MAXMASS is a wholly-owned Ghanaian company that specializes in Mine Support Services. These include Contract Mining & Haulage, Mining & Engineering Services, Equipment Rental, Drilling & Blasting and Quarry …
As one of West Africa's leading construction and contract mining businesses, SMS relies on an efficient and modern fleet of excavators catering for all the Company's needs from production …