Single stage mills appear to be reasonably power efficient at coarse grinds, but become very inefficient at grinds less than 75 μm. The grind size is more difficult to control in a single stage SAG circuit at fine target grind sizes, when compared to an SAB or SABC circuit.
When operating a grinding circuit (at Granny Smith) under a wide range of conditions: campaigning very competent underground ore followed by soft oxide, primary …
This is a SAG or AG mill plus ball mill model that estimates the specific energy consumption (E SAG) using the 1979 Barratt equation and the classical Bond work index equation including …
During this period, the grinding circuit processed secondary crushed feed through a SAG mill followed by pebble crusher and ball mill (SABC mode). Prior to September 2006, GSM processed ore from both the Wallaby Deeps underground mine as well as material hauled 13 km from the open pit operation.
Comminution circuits have progressed from circuits comprising simple crushing machines, for example stamp batteries, through multi-stage crushing and staged grinding, to single stage …
Single stage mills appear to be reasonably power efficient at coarse grinds, but become very inefficient at grinds less than 75 μm. The grind size is more difficult to control in a single stage …
SAG mill specific energy was a function of the inverse of the Axb value, the mill geometry and the mill operating conditions. Ball mill specific energy was calculated using a variation of Bond's formula for total specific energy and subtracting the SAG mill specific energy.
To obtain reliable results from the tests stable milling conditions were essential. This involved monitoring parameters such as power draw, bearing pressure, feed rate and mill speed, and prescribing strict limits. Under normal operating conditions the scat conveyor was operated in …
SAG/ball (SAB) configurations represent the dominant comminution flow sheet within the company and the circuit configurations employed include SAB, SABC-A, SABC-B and single-stage (SS) SAG milling, with SAG mill feed ranging from run-of-mine (ROM) ore through to secondary crusher product.
SABC Test Procedures. To obtain reliable results from the tests stable milling conditions were essential. This involved monitoring parameters such as power draw, bearing pressure, feed rate and mill speed, and prescribing strict limits.
SAG/ball (SAB) configurations represent the dominant comminution flow sheet within the company and the circuit configurations employed include SAB, SABC-A, SABC-B and single-stage (SS) SAG milling, with SAG mill feed ranging from run-of-mine (ROM) ore through to secondary crusher product.
When operating a grinding circuit (at Granny Smith) under a wide range of conditions: campaigning very competent underground ore followed by soft oxide, primary versus secondary crushed feed and finally single-stage SAG and conventional SAG, ball mill and pebble crusher (SABC) configurations.
SAG/ball (SAB) configurations represent the dominant comminution flow sheet within the company and the circuit configurations employed include SAB, SABC-A, SABC-B and single …
Effect of mill speed, mill filling, ball charge and slurry density. Fully autogenous (AG) versus Semi-Autogenous (SAG) milling. Morrell power model versus other published models
SAG/ball (SAB) configurations represent the dominant comminution flow sheet within the company and the circuit configurations employed include SAB, SABC-A, SABC-B …
Comminution circuits have progressed from circuits comprising simple crushing machines, for example stamp batteries, through multi-stage crushing and staged grinding, to single stage crushing and semi-autogenous grinding (SAG) and ball mill (SAB) circuits.
This is a SAG or AG mill plus ball mill model that estimates the specific energy consumption (E SAG) using the 1979 Barratt equation and the classical Bond work index equation including Rowland efficiency factors. The model allows a manual calibration factor on both equations (CFSAG and CFball, respectively).
SAG mill specific energy was a function of the inverse of the Axb value, the mill geometry and the mill operating conditions. Ball mill specific energy was calculated using a variation of Bond's …
During this period, the grinding circuit processed secondary crushed feed through a SAG mill followed by pebble crusher and ball mill (SABC mode). Prior to September 2006, GSM …