B&G Rolairtrol Air Separators for Hot/Chilled Water

B&G Rolairtrol Air Separators for Hot/Chilled Water The Rolairtrol is an ASME vessel designed to create a low velocity vortex for air removal from circulating water. The B&G Rolairtrol Air Separator provides maximum ... Select from the ATF or ATFL models (see diagram to the right). These AirTrol tank fittings restrict the flow of cooler

Drawing M-043, Revision 34, 'Piping 7 Instrument …



Ensure the air valve cap is loose to permit air to escape. Typical installations are shown below. Typical Hydronic Installation with Bladder Style Tank City Water Fill To Pump Suction Blowdown Connection Piping to Expansion Tank Strainer if Supplied From Boiler, Converter, or Chilled Water System Return. Automatic Float-type Air Vent Air Separator

Installation, Operation & Maintenance

The ACT/ACTF air separator is an ASME vessel designed with openings in a large diameter chamber to create and maintain a vortex where air can separate and be removed from the …

ASME Commercial Tangential Air Separators

Amtrol tangential air separators are designed to create a low velocity vortex that separates and removes entrained air from circulating water or anti-freeze in a closed, non-potable water system. Available in 1" to 24" sizes with an optional stainless steel strainer to collect unwanted system debris, all Amtrol tangential air separators are made in

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Chilled Water Schematic …

Air Separators: Air separators are installed to remove air bubbles from the chilled water system. This helps prevent air locks, which can disrupt the flow of water and reduce the system's efficiency. Filtration System: A filtration system is used to remove impurities from the chilled water, such as dirt, debris, and particles. This helps ...


air & dirt separators for closed hydronic heating and chilled water systems installation & operation instructions models 2-ads through 12-ads including magnetic separator option read carefully …

Air Separators in Closed Hydronic Systems

The Rolairtrol Air Separator. The B&G Rolairtrol air separator introduces a dynamic feature to air separation. It functions with a two-fold attack on air. First, it uses the reduced velocity principle mentioned above. Second, it combines that with the principle that air is lighter than water. Water enters this device through tangential openings.

Comprehensive Chilled-Water System Design

chilled-water side of the system include decoupled versus variable-primary flow, parallel versus series chillers, as well as how to size and site bypass lines.


A chilled water scheme is one by which chilled water is produced and circulated throughout the building or through cooling coils in air handling units (AHU) to provide space cooling. It basically consists of a primary loop (production) and a secondary loops (distribution). The primary loop takes care of chilled water production

HVAC Chilled Water Distribution Schemes

chilled water flow through the cooling coil is restricted (in response to supply air temperatures to the space) but the total quantity returned to the chiller remains constant. Figure below shows …

Chilled Water System: The Ultimate Guide (Types

1. Chiller. Let's start with the most important component – the chiller. Chiller is the heart of the chilled water system. It is the one that produces chilled water or low-temperature water for air handlers or AHUs to perform the cooling and dehumidification process. Chiller is also the most "power-hunger" component.


demand. Some of the warmer supply water will now join the return water, resulting in a decrease in the e˜ ciency of the boiler or chiller. Where possible, the power will be modulated downwards. AIR- AND DIRT-FREE SYSTEM WATER THROUGH A SINGLE UNIT, PLUS HYDRAULIC SEPARATION IN A LOW LOSS HEADER. WORLD LEADER IN DISTRIBUTION EFFICIENCY ...

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Chilled …

Air Separators: Air separators are installed to remove air bubbles from the chilled water system. This helps prevent air locks, which can disrupt the flow of water and reduce the system's efficiency.

Drawing M-043, Revision 34, 'Piping 7 Instrument …

TANK AIR FITTING AIR SEPARATOR PCV 5265 04 LIMIT OF CONTRACT # 7749-11 TO INTERLOCK FOR VALVE PV-5796 M-011 (E-6) 521 6384 TO SIS-2 HUMIDIFIER '-JDD 11/8'0.1). ... Drawing M-043, Revision 34, "Piping 7 Instrument Diagram Auxiliary Building Chilled Water System." Created Date:

Closed Loop Chilled water Makeup Water / Expansion Tank / Air Separator …

The Air separator vent pipe extended above the air separator, is the most highest point the whole system ?? For the Expansion tank (bladder type ) i will Connect to Suction Header of Circulation Pumps / Return Line, for example a 10'' Main Header with a 2-3'' Branch Line Directly to the Expansion Vessel, how to i balance this line/point ...

Chilled Water System: Components, Diagrams

In chilled water systems, water is used to transfer the heat energy from the AHUs to the chiller thereby cooling the space. Then, a separate loop of water is used to transfer the heat energy from the chiller to the cooling tower …

Where should an air separator be located? | Caleffi S.p.a.

For a heating system, the ideal location is at the outlet of the heat source. For chilled water systems, locate the separator in the return to the chiller. In wall-hung boiler …


Tangential type air separator which separates entrained air from flowing system water by the creation of a vortex that allows free air bubbles to rise in the center, the point of lowest …

4900 Series Air Separators 4900 Series Air and Dirt …

4900A –Air Separators Taco 4900A series separators are designed for installation in hydronic systems. The purpose of the 4900A separator is the removal of air from the heating or chilled water system. In a heating system application the separator should be mounted in the piping as close as possible to the exit of the boiler and upstream of the

Chiller And AHU Piping Connection Details …

Inside this comprehensive download, you will find schematic diagrams for the chilled water system with all details on the overall connection. You will get accurate layouts of air separators, chilled water primary pumps, and other …

Comprehensive Chilled-Water System Design

• 12-20ºF ∆T chilled water (K-12 schools)9 • At least 14ºF ∆T condenser water ASHRAE GreenGuide10 • 12-20°F ΔT chilled water • 12-18°F ΔT condenser water CoolTools™ Chilled Water Plant Design and Specification Guide, 200011 • 15-18°F ΔT chilled water Kelly and Chan, Optimizing Chilled Water Plants, HPAC Engineering, 199912