Geological sketch of the La Azul deposit

The La Azul deposit belongs to a series of stratabound mineral deposits and occurrences of fluorite hosted in Cretaceous platform carbonate rocks scattered throughout Mexico (Gonzalez-Partida et al. 2003; Tritlla et al. 2004).These deposits have been classified as: (1) MVT-like systems, intimately related with basinal brines and organic matter (oil and gas), of …


Concerning the most used mineral, fluorspar ... De natura eorum quae effluunt ex terra and De ortu and causis subterraneorum, where he rightly attributed the origin of geological deposits by sedimentation of aqueous origin, and he described in detail the effects of erosion. 71 But the major work of Agricola, ...

Fluorspar deposits and the Rio Grande Rift System

origin and distribution of fluorspar deposits in western United States and northern Mexico may be related to plate tectonics and subduction. 2 Lamarre (1974) proposed an interesting …

Geology of Kentucky: Chapter 26, Vein Minerals

Barite is not an important element of the veins but is conspicuous in these deposits. Fluorspar is an important flux. About 80 per cent of production is used in the manufacture of steel where it serves as a temperature flux in the basic open hearth process. ... Various investigators have expressed their views on origin. 1. Norwood (1877a, p. 20 ...

Western Kentucky Fluorspar District

Origin of Deposits The vein and bedded deposits were formed by a release of fluorine-rich fluids from deep-seated alkalic intrusive rocks and by the intersection of these magmatic fluids with hydrothermal basinal fluids that …

Origin of the bedding replacement deposits of fluorspar in …

The banded fluorspar deposits of the Cave In Rock district are attributed to replacement of limestone and the preservation of bedding and cross-bedding of the rock. The solutions contained hydrofluoric acid which reacted with CaCO 3 . The replacement was stoichiometrical, with consequent reduction of volume, but continued deposition of calcium fluoride, brought in from …

The Origin of Ore Deposits of the Mississippi Valley Type

Certain gross aspects of the different lead-zinc-barìte-fluorspar deposits of this type in North America provide compelling guidelines that must be followed in determining the most likely mode of origin for the deposits. These field-determined facts must be the starting point for the interesting and illuminating laboratory investigations which ...

The origin of fluorite deposits in the Bou-Izourane district …

This paper examines the origin of the mineralizing fluids and the relationship between the Tamazegth complex and fluorite deposits. Fluorspar occurs in veins oriented …

Geology and Flourspar Deposits of the St. Peters Dome …

spar deposits in the district are related genetically to the surrounding pre-Cambrian Pikes Peak granite. The writer disagrees with this conclusion, and the present paper dis· cusses the age …


Fluorite origin. Fluorite is almost always of hydrothermal origin. Most typical are hydrothermal veins with fluorite and baryte, calcite is also often present. Fluorite can be present also on many sulfide deposits. Fluorite is also …


The principal Arizona fluorspar deposits are veins of hydrothermal origin which may be epithermal or mesothermal. The epithermal deposits are associated with Tertiary volcanism, and were …

Fluorite deposits in China: Geological features, metallogenic

China enjoyed continuously increasing identified reserves of fluorite resources in recent years. According to the statistics in the Summary of Reserves of China 's Mineral Resources in 2018 issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People 's Republic of China, the identified reserves of fluorite resources (minerals, the same hereafter) in China was …

Uranium in Fluorite, a Case Study: The La Azul Fluorspar Deposit…

The maximum concentration of U in fluorite from the La Azul deposit was about 100 μg g ‑1 . Using Raman spectroscopy and microprobe analysis, we identified the micro-inclusions of uranium minerals as uraninite (of the pitchblende variety); its composition suggested a hydrothermal origin for this fluorspar deposit.

Fluorite (Fluorspar) : Properties, Occurrence, Uses and Deposits

Fluorite, a calcium fluoride mineral with the chemical formula CaF2, forms in a variety of geological settings through both hydrothermal and sedimentary processes. Its occurrence is influenced by the availability of calcium and fluorine ions, as well as specific geological conditions. …

Fluorine | U.S. Geological Survey

In 2013, the United States imported the majority of its fluorspar from three countries, which were, in descending order of the amount imported, Mexico, China, and South …

Uranium in Fluorite, a Case Study: The La Azul Fluorspar Deposit …

The maximum concentration of U in fluorite from the La Azul deposit was about 100 μg g−1. Using Raman spectroscopy and microprobe analysis, we identified the micro-inclusions of uranium minerals as uraninite (of the pitchblende variety); its composition suggested a hydrothermal origin for this fluorspar deposit.


Mineralization processes involving both hydrothermal and meteoric fluids have been proposed to explain the origin of fluorspar, beryllium and uranium deposits at Spor Mountain. Hydrothermal mineralization has been discussed by Staatz …

The origin of fluorite deposits in the Bou-Izourane district …

This paper examines the origin of the mineralizing fluids and the relationship between the Tamazegth complex and fluorite deposits. Fluorspar occurs in veins oriented according to three families (N20, N50-80 and N120), in karst cavities and as stratabound deposits.

Fluorspar Deposits Near Meyers Cove Lemhi County, Idaho

The fluorspar deposits, discovered in 1942, were first described by A. L. Anderson (1943), who made a reconnaissance study of the area in July of that year.

The potential role of magmatic gases in the genesis of Illinois

The potential role of magmatic gases in the genesis of Illinois-Kentucky fluorspar deposits; implications from chemical reaction path modeling . × ... Insights from fumarole gas geochemistry on the origin of hydrothermal fluids on the Yellowstone Plateau. Giovanni Chiodini. 2012. download Download free PDF View PDF chevron_right.

Fluorspar Deposits in Western Kentucky

Fluorspar Deposits in Western Kentucky Part 1 A. Introduction By JAMES STEELE WILLIAMS and HELEN DUNCAN B. -Babb fault system, Crittenden and Livingston ... The rocks in the region are largely of sedimentary origin; but dikes, sills, and irregularly shaped bodies of intrusive rocks are pres­ ent. These igneous bodies are mainly lamprophyres or ...


deposit, south africa C. Gauert 1, J.H. Kennedy 1, M. du Plessis 1, H. Terblanche 2 1 University of the Free State, PO Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, 2 Vergenoeg Mining Company, Private Bag X202,

Our Process

Initially only metallurgical grade fluorspar was produced from the mined ore, but a 100,000-ton per annum acid grade fluorspar concentrator was later installed, and higher grade fluorspar became the primary product. ... The fluorite deposits …