Managing tailings safely | Anglo American – Kumba Iron Ore

The management and storage of tailings is a critical priority for the global mining industry and, as one of the world's largest mining companies, we understand the importance of, and are committed to, responsible and sustainable tailings management practices.

What are tailings storage facilities

The principal difference between TSFs and conventional water dams is that TSFs are constructed to maintain storage of waste material produced during mining operations, whereas water dams are typically built to store and release water. Also, TSFs are dynamic structures that often grow …


tailings are most commonly stored on site in a tailings storage facility. Storage methods for conventional tailings include cross-valley and paddock (ring-dyke) impoundments, where the …

Tailings Storage Management Framework

Tailings Storage Management Generation of Tailings Fortescue's iron ore processing facilities generate a fine-grained by-product, referred to as tailings. This material is pumped as a slurry via pipelines to specifically designed TSFs. Over time the fine-grained material settles, allowing water to be recovered and recycled.

Transforming Tailings Solutions | Global Mining Review

The Global Tailings Review estimates that the total number of active, inactive, and closed tailings storage facilities (TSFs) is 8500, with 217 km 3 of tailings. To put it in …

Tailings Storage Management Framework

Tailings Storage Management Generation of Tailings Fortescue's iron ore processing facilities generate a fine-grained by-product, referred to as tailings. This material is pumped as a slurry …

Iron Ore Tailings Management — Canadian Critical Minerals …

Effective tailings management is crucial for any mining operation, especially in handling iron ore tailings. This section offers insights into the importance of tailings management and introduces holistic strategies for managing these by-products.

Tailings management

We have 24 tailings storage facilities (TSFs), including dry stack and in-pit disposal, with 19 facilities in active use and five dormant.

What are tailings storage facilities

Tailings are the left-over materials from the processing of mined ore. They consist of ground rock, unrecoverable and uneconomic metals, chemicals, organic matter and effluent from the process used to extract the desired products from the ore.

Managing tailings safely | Anglo American – Kumba Iron Ore

The management and storage of tailings is a critical priority for the global mining industry and, as one of the world's largest mining companies, we understand the importance …

Tailing Storage Facilities, Tonkolili Iron Ore Mine

The new TSF provides additional storage capacity (28.5million cubic metres) for tailings arising from the mining and processing operations. The works involved: ØSite clearance – 30Ha of …

Tailing Storage Facilities, Tonkolili Iron Ore Mine

The new TSF provides additional storage capacity (28.5million cubic metres) for tailings arising from the mining and processing operations. The works involved: ØSite clearance – 30Ha of bush and vegetation removal. ØRemoval of topsoil, tailings and other unsuitable material from the footprint of the TSF

What are Tailings

The diagram below outlines the basic sequence of mining, processing, and tailings generation in separating the final commodity product from the ore body. How are Tailings Stored? After processing, tailings are impounded so that …


tailings are most commonly stored on site in a tailings storage facility. Storage methods for conventional tailings include cross-valley and paddock (ring-dyke) impoundments, where the tailings are behind a raised emb.

What are Tailings

The diagram below outlines the basic sequence of mining, processing, and tailings generation in separating the final commodity product from the ore body. How are Tailings Stored? After processing, tailings are impounded so that their effect on the environment is minimized.

Iron Ore Tailings Management — Canadian Critical Minerals …

Effective tailings management is crucial for any mining operation, especially in handling iron ore tailings. This section offers insights into the importance of tailings …

Tailings storage facilities for tailings management

Tailings storage facilities are large, complex projects requiring the expertise and collaboration of many different engineering disciplines to ensure they are designed, constructed, operated, and monitored in a safe manner.

Transforming Tailings Solutions | Global Mining Review

The Global Tailings Review estimates that the total number of active, inactive, and closed tailings storage facilities (TSFs) is 8500, with 217 km 3 of tailings. To put it in perspective, this is enough to fill a 6 km high cube – and it is increasing by 12.3 km 3 annually. Put simply, how miners manage their tailings is one of the most important – as well as one of the most …